Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Google Maps API changes

Due to changes in Google Maps v3 API some features of QiblaLocator have temporarily been disabled. These include sharing searching for address (you can still browse the map and see the direction) custom location links embedding qiblalocator on your own site I’ll be working to restore these as soon as I can get some time. […]

Comments Re-enabled

You can now leave comments and feedback on the site once again. Commenting had been shut down due to a hacking/page-rank hijacking attempt on the site.

Comments Disabled Temporarily

Comments have been disabled this site temporarily as I believe there was some sort of XSS hack attempt on the site. This may have been done by posting URLS on the comments. Once the necessary precautions are in place comment will be enabled again.

URL Param support

QiblaLocator now supports URL Params. With this you will now be able to create a link to qiblalocator to have it open up at your specified location. This will surely come in handy when you need to send someone a link to show them the qibla at a sepecific location. The supported params are ‘latitude’, […]